our nest.

This place has been in my heart for a long time.
While I don’t know yet exactly what this space will become, I’m excited to share it with you.

I was born and raised on a rural homestead and have a family full of farmers.
As a kid, I couldn’t wait to grow up and do something completely different with my life.
Fast forward a lot of years. It wasn’t until my husband, and I bought our property that I even considered “getting back to my roots.”

In recent years, I’ve found what makes my soul the happiest. I’ve found the thing I’m fiercely passionate about. My purpose.

It’s home.

It’s growing food for my family. It’s tending to our animals. It’s making our meals from scratch. It’s teaching our child important lifelong skills and values. It’s sharing this knowledge and skill set with others.

I’ve always had big dreams and monumental goals. This is no different.
My goal for this year is to expand and grow into our local community. To provide more for others.
To push myself outside of my comfort zone and pursue the things I’m most passionate about.

I hope you’ll join me!


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