
I think it’s easy to think we can do it all ourselves. I don’t need help. I can do it myself. At work, at home, in the kitchen, on the homestead.

I’m the first one to find joy in checking things off my to do list. I love learning new things and working with my hands. I’m also guilty of believing I can do everything myself, yet feeling overwhelmed at the same time.

We can’t have our cake and eat it too. We need community. We need others providing their inputs and experience and knowledge. We need diversity and mentorship.

I have a 65 year old neighbor who is a veteran. He’s been gardening a heck of a lot longer than I have. We do things completely different. I also heed his advice when I see his potatoes are three times the size as mine and he doesn’t get hornworms on his tomatoes. There is absolutely nothing defeating or shameful about asking for advice or opinions. What my neighbor has that I don’t is 40 years of experience and trial and error.

I’ve been baking sourdough bread for several years now. I taught myself and have experienced a lot of trial and error. I am absolutely thrilled when someone asks me sourdough questions. It’s something I have found to be extremely rewarding for my family and I get real enjoyment out of making it. Why wouldn’t I want someone else to feel the same way?

I think it’s easy to want it all but I feel like we have to be realistic and draw the line somewhere. For example, I would absolutely fall over if my husband gave in to the fact that I dream to own a dairy cow. Is getting a dairy cow now a logical option for me? Absolutely not. We don’t have the infrastructure in place nor do I have the time to devote to the necessary care of the animal. I realize this. I am just as happy supporting our local dairy farm that does have the infrastructure and time and produces the quality of products I’m seeking.

What’s wrong with that?

I’m passionate about growing food, raising chickens, and beekeeping. My husband is passionate about building things. Our friend is passionate about raising dairy animals.

I truly believe we all have our own God given talents and passions. Let’s support our friends and community members who are chasing after their passions and talents. Let’s stop trying to do everything ourselves and seek out others who are doing what they love, and doing it well.

Let’s cultivate community, friendships, and share our knowledge with one another.

You are not alone.



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