slow down.

Did you know the average attention span of a human being is only eight seconds?

Eight seconds.
The average attention span of a goldfish is nine.

And we wonder why we feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, unhappy, and exhausted all the time. We’re surrounded by distractions and constant temptations. We’re spoiled by instant gratification, over indulgence in other people’s lives, comparisons, and the consumption of material things.

In a world with an eight second attention span, I think it’s important to make the time to slow down, and to ask ourselves why.

Why is this important to me? Does it make me happy or bring me joy? Does it make me feel grounded and at peace, or does it bring me more stress and anxiety? Is it something I truly love or do I simply love the idea of it?

We get to choose what captures our attention, how we spend our time, and how we use our energy.

Don’t let the distractions and comparisons steal your attention or happiness. Do what YOU love. Do what makes YOU happy. Do what is best for YOU and your family.

Until next time,

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